LaRouche in Serbia & Montenegro



LaRouche’s Global Impact


After September 11, LaRouche appeared in the world’s news media as often as several times daily. From then through December,

      he appeared live on radio or TV, or in print media through interviews or his own writings in the following countries besides the U.S.:


      Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Venezuela, Italy, Poland, Russia, United Kingdom, Serbia, Macedonia,

       Philippines, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.


       Additionally, throughout 2001, both before and after Sept. 11, LaRouche traveled widely, visiting Poland, Italy (several times), Russia

       (twice) and India. The following pictorial coverage of his trips to Russia and India, together with introductory and closing remarks

       by some of his hosts, give an insight into the depth of his global influence, and the extraordinary esteem with which he is held outside

       the Anglo-American sphere of influence, whose media either black him out, or, like Australia’s, circulate wild lies in the minimal

 coverage they do accord him.