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R.Y. JUSTICE   Letter number 4


Dear Erica,

If you consult early emails of mine, you will see how I describe the process of recruitment.
The Beyond Psychology series has been dusted off the shelf for the LYM. You can listen to
lectures on the LYM web site.  The key thing is to break down the identity of some one.
Attack the person's family, friends, spouse, work and education. After this, you now show
how ONLY through LHL will you be able to change the world. All of those things are just
holding you back. 


Many, many members were in private sessions and had ego stripping
done in public meetings
.  I can tell you about that.



A few people freaked out and burst out of rooms, some left,
some broke up their marriages. A few people had to see psychiatrists after leaving.


One person killed himself years ago when he realized that he wasted 30 years of his life.


It is interesting that Jeremiah wrote about “Beyond Psycho-analysis” in his lecture notes.





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