Dear Erica,


These are heartless people. When I would inform the fundraisers and the leaders that a person who they were getting money from was senile or suffering from what was an age related illness, they would not blink an eye over taking their money.


Their delusions will increase as they will believe that they have escaped from another evil plot to stop Larouche. I still think that the highlight of the cult's paranoia was over the revelation of your son’s  knowledge that he attended the Tavistock. At that point I would tend to believe that the cult placed him under close watch with their security people and did every thing possible to keep him from leaving. The cult will whip up the members; especially the inner security people into thinking that there are various plots to assassinate LaRouche.


If we were at a conference and had a questionable person, we would first inform Security and have the person who brought him to the event stay with him. If the person was considered a "Security risk" than we had him or her removed or have the person escorted by security people.


The paranoia is very high as ANY whisper of dissent about LaRouche and I read that on the night of his death your son was repeating to people that he did not trust LaRouche. This would in my opinion make the group view him as a security threat. What happened next should be a matter for police investigation. No one will admit anything. They will give instructions for a wall of silence to be erected. People will go to extreme lengths to hide the Truth of what happened. Even as much as sending people to another country.


Make no mistake about how delusional LaRouche is.  Just last month he accused his former head in Leesburg of being a suspect in a terror plot in Northern Virginia.

