LaRouche in Poland




1. institutions, political parties, publishing empire, News Agencies and so on.




Instytut Schillera


Schiller Institute of Poland


Pytania I komentarze prosimy kierowaæ do Anny Kaczor,

przewodnicz¹cej zarz¹du Instytutu Schillera w Polsce,





2. INVOLVEMENT – COUNTRY BY COUNTRY - Poland educ/edu_poland_lhl_052401.html

Lyndon LaRouche May 24, 2001

 Speech and Dialogue with Poland's Science Educators


Posted By: somtum
Date: Monday, 24 March 2003, 3:00 p.m.

The following emergency declaration was passed on March 23, 2003 by the participants in the International Conference of the Schiller Institute in Bad Schwalbach, Germany, coming from 46 countries:

…. Poland…..

Polish Schiller Institute Sponsors LaRouche

Schiller Institute delegation in Prague and Warsaw



LaRouche Connection Master List 2001

"LaRouche Address to the Schiller Institute in Poland"
            Lyndon LaRouche: address
            Schiller Institute of Poland
            Warsaw Polytechnic. Warsaw, Poland
            May 24

Dec. 28, 2001—Beginning in December, leading Polish media have run an unprecedented slander campaign, directed against the Schiller Institute, its founder, Helga Zepp LaRouche, and U.S. economist, statesman, and current Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. The slanders, which were published in, among other places: Trybuna online, Gazeta Polska, Zycie Warszawy, and Rzeczpospolita, referred to statements which had been made by Konstanty Miodowicz; former head of the UOP counterintelligence, Kzystztof Janik, Minister of Internal Affairs; and Bronislaw Komorowski, former head of the Ministry of National Defense. Using as a pretext the so-called Lepper issue (which falsely claimed that Andrzej Lepper, the leader of Samoobrona, was politically built up and financed by the Schiller Institute.) the slanders made wild claims against LaRouche personally, and his wife Helga Zepp LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute.

Support for LaRouche from Europe


Stanislaw Kalemba gehört als Abgeordneter der Bauernpartei dem polnischen Parlament an.

Jerzy Oledzki ist seit 1980 Mitglied der Gewerkschaft Solidarnosc und war 1992-93 stellvertretender Bildungsminister Polens

Bischof Mizolak aus Warschau, inzwischen im Ruhestand

Der Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Prof. Aleksander Legatowicz war Präsident des polnischen Parlamentes