LaRouche in Malaysia


Negative impact of rating changes: It is reported that the hesitation or reluctance of raters to

downgrade a country stems from the fact that a downgrade announcement can precipitate a

country into crisis. During the Asian crisis, the rating agencies arouse the discontent of the

Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad, who condemned them and charged them

with rendering the crisis even more acute. “The rating agencies, when we have a need to borrow

money, they immediately downgraded us so that it will cost us 15% to borrow money. They stop

us completely from borrowing money” (1999)9. Along

This article appeared in the February 19, 1999 issue Executive Intelligence Review.

Interview: Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad Malaysian Prime Minister: `We had to decide things for

ourselves'. On Jan. 22 (1999), Gail G. Billington of EIR's Asia Desk and Dino de Paoli of the Schiller Institute were given the opportunity to interview Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia.

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamed

Mahathir is one of the most moderate Muslim leaders in the world, who runs a secular state,

…..  gave an interview to EIR magazine.

[sangkancil] LaRouche on financial warfare: Brazil is the next ...
... LaRouche. EIR: This is EIR Talks. My name is Tony Papert. We're on the
phone with Lyndon LaRouche, who's in Germany. We discussed ... -




LaRouche Movement: Information From
... The Malayasian LaRouche Society has a minor presence.

 ( Cultural, economic, and
scientific ...