LaRouche in Italy



1. institutions, political parties, publishing empire, News Agencies and so on.




Movimento internazionale per I diritti civili – Solidarietà



Bruno Raimondi, president of LaRouche’s Civil Rights Movement Solidarity in Italy.





Italy’s Chamber of Deputies in support of LaRouche’s proposal to establish a New Bretton Woods reform of the international monetary system, marks a giant step forward for LaRouche’s global recovery strategy.

Movimento internazionale per I diritti civili – Solidarietà:

tel. 02/2613058 – 02/2894514 – fax 02/26110612






Solidarieta” bulletin


International Caucus of Labor Committees

The International Caucus of Labor Committees claimed to have affiliates in

France, Italy, Sweden, Canada and several South American countries.



Apparently a Virginia based firms owned by Ken Kronberg. His wife, Molly, is an editor of many LaRouche publications.


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Posted By: somtum
Date: Monday, 24 March 2003, 3:00 p.m.

The following emergency declaration was passed on March 23, 2003 by the participants in the International Conference of the Schiller Institute in Bad Schwalbach, Germany, coming from 46 countries:

….  Italy …..

2 of April - Italy: Rome - Justice

Press conference celebrated by the European Federalist Group to present/display the parliamentary initiative - Italian and international - for the liberation of Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr, American economist of seventy years, ex- candidate democratic to the presidency of the U.S.A., for four years stopped in a jail of Minnesota (the U.S.A..) fruit of a judicial assembly orchestrated by ex- president George Bush.

is signed in the last weeks by more than 300 parliamentarians worldwide. In the press conference they participate Emma Bonino, of the European Federalist Group, Flaminio Piccoli, of the Christian Democracy, Helga Zepp LaRouche, president of the Schiller Institut and wife of the American dissident, and Sergio D'Elia.

TV host, Giuseppe Vecchio opened the discussion inviting Raimondi to inform the audience about the recent campaigns of Lyndon LaRouche 

Prof. Servidio underlined the importance of LaRouche's fight in the USA, lar_related/1101_lar_rome_art.html
Prof. Roberto Panizza, professor of international economics at Turin University; 
Galloni, director of the Italian Labor Ministry; and 
Father Ulisse Frascali, president of the Nuovo Villaggio del Fanciullo Foundation in Ravenna.
Teleambiente Television. Rome, Italy              Nov. 22, 2001

"ROME, May 5 (EIRNA) -- "LAROUCHE DOCTRINE" ON ROME REGIONAL TV AND ON TWO ITALIAN PRESS AGENCIES. On May 4 at 10 pm the Rome-based regional TV network "Teleambiente" broadcast an hour long live discussion on the situation in Iraq and in Southwest Asia with Paolo Raimondi, president of the Movimento Internazionale per i Diritti Civili -- Solidarieta', the LaRouche organization in Italy; Prof. Giulio Salierno, author and university sociology teacher; and Maurizio Musolino, head of the news department of the weekly, "La Rinascita della sinistra", the paper of the Party of the Italian Communists (PdCI), an opposition party in the Parliament.

Giuseppe Vecchio, the program host, opened the discussion with his usual "Let us hear the latest developments of the LaRouche campaigns and activities in the USA". Raimondi then presented the fundamental points of the "LaRouche Doctrine", the importance of the 9/11 Investigation Commission in Washington and about the continuation of the "Impeach Cheney" campaign of LaRouche to change the present situation in the USA.

LaRouche Connection Master List 2002.htm
"LaRouche Address to Iniziativa Italiana"

            Lyndon LaRouche Keynote Address: "Entrepreneurship & the Moral Mission-orientation of Economics"

            Judicial Palace, Milan, Italy.

            March 22, 2002

There, the regional radio interviewed Mrs. Robinson, Marguerite Lottin, and Bruno Raimondi, president of LaRouche's Civil Rights Movement Solidarity in Italy.

Support for LaRouche from Europe


Benito Li Vigni aus Italien ist Industrieller und Kolumnist mehrerer Zeitungen und Magazine sowie Autor zahlreicher Bücher, darunter eines über das Leben von Enrico Mattei.

Robert Panizza ist Professor für Internationale Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Er ist an dem Schuldenerlaß-Projekt der katholischen Kirche Italiens und an der Initiative der italienischen Regierung für die Einführung einer Spekulationssteuer beteiligt.

  • General Luigi Ramponi war u.a. 1989-91 Leiter der italienischen Finanzpolizei Guardia di Finanza, 1991-92 Chef des Militärgeheimdienstes SISMI und während der 12. Legislaturperiode Senator im italienischen Parlament.

Prof. Alberto Servidio war von 1976-78 Präsident der Cassa del Mezzogiorno, der nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg geschaffenen Staatsbank für die industrielle, landwirtschaftliche und infrastrukturelle Entwicklung Süditaliens, und nahm jahrelang hochrangige Positionen in staatlichen Banken und großen Bau- und Industrieunternehmen wie ITALSTAT, CONDOTTE, BONIFICA ein.

Rosario Alessandrello ist der Vorsitzende der Tecnimont Corporation (Milan) und gleichzeitig Vorsitzender der italienisch-russischen Handelskammer sowie Vorstandsmitglied der Mediocredito Centrale und Vorstandsmitglied des italienischen Industriellenverbandes Confindustria.

  • Tommaso Fulfaro, Vorstandsmitglied der Vereinigung linker Parteien in Italien (Associazione nationale "Per la sinistra")
  • Der bekannte Tenor Carlo Bergonzi  Italy
LaRouche's New Bretton Woods System

  ... LaRouche Discusses New Bretton Woods in Rome, Italy (June 2002) ... visit to

  Italy in October, during which he discussed a New Bretton Woods conference ...