LaRouche in Guyana


This resolution was presented to the Fall sessions of the UNO General Assembly by LaRouche's friend and collaborator, then the Foreign Minister of Guyana, the Honorable Fred Wills.

EIR Number 10, March 6, 1998

1975: LaRouche calls for Int'l Development Bank

The Colombo resolution of the Non-Aligned

Guyana's Wills calls for a debt moratorium

Wills: We shall win! l/

MR. LAROUCHE: Well, I would say I'm not a lone voice. 
           What's happened is that many heads of governments such as,
for example, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, was moving in the direction that
I was moving in, with her own way, but we had some degree of
collaboration. And they killed her in 1984. They killed her when
I was suing NBC, the ADL et al., for libel. And Mrs. Gandhi was
killed by people who were supported openly at that time, by the
ADL, the Anti-Defamation League, that is, the terrorists who
killed Mrs. Gandhi, were terrorists who were openly supported by
the Anti-Defamation League in this country. 
           The same thing is true of Mr. Fred Wills in Guyana, who
presented the program in 1976 and presented it at the UN, was
kicked out of power and is dead now. He was almost killed, and
has died.