LaRouche in Bosnia-Herzogovina

Nedzib Sacirbey, M.D., Ambassador at Large, Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina

In “Exonerate LaRouche”

"Balkan Reconstructin: the LaRouche Alternative to Global Catastrophe

Debra Freeman, National Spokesman for Lyndon LaRouche: reads statement from
           Faris Nanic, Secretary-General of Bosnia's Democratic Action Party in Croatia, 
           and former Chief of Staff for President Izetegovic of Bosnia-Hercegovina
           Faris Nanic, Secretary-General of Bosnia's Democratic Action Party in Croatia, 
EIR Press Conference. Washington, DC

June 23 1999



EIR Volume 28, Number 12, March 23, 2001
... By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. "A German press report of a March 1, ... Faris Nanic
is Secretary of Croatia's Party of Democratic Action (SDA) and former ...

Support for LaRouche from Europe


Prof. Dragoljub Stojanov ist Ökonom und lehrt an der Wirtschaftsfakultät der Universität Sarajevo.