LaRouche active in Austria



1. institutions, political parties, publishing empire, News Agencies and so on.





Ortrun Cramer, authorized observer for the Austrian-based  International Progress Organization

Ortrum Cramer is a staunch LaRouche person from Wiesbaden, Germany, heads the Schiller Institute, and much else.


Telephone: 0043-1-5332877

 Telefax: 0043-1-5332962


 International NGO in consultative status with the United Nations

I.P.O. Information Service


Vienna - Austria







Prof. Dr. Hans R. Klecatsky, former Justice Minister, Austria in  "Exonerate LaRouche"

The International Progress Organization is an international non-governmental organization that enjoys consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. The I.P.O. is not affiliated with any political party or organization. It is strictly non-partisan, and not aligned with any government. The I.P.O. cherishes its independence and its reputation for tackling complex international issues with candor, toughness and objectivity.

 The organization based in Vienna, Austria, sponsors international conferences and research seminars on topics such as human rights, international law and economic development, and publishes the series "Studies in International Relations."

 The I.P.O.  was founded in 1972 in Innsbruck, Austria, by students from Austria, India and Egypt who were concerned about human rights. Today it has prominent members from over 70 countries including former U.S. Attorney-General Ramsey Clark, former Peruvian Prime Minister General Edgardo Mercado Jarrín; Dr. Arturo Muñoz Ledo (Mexico), former Chairman of the International Labor Office (I.L.O), and others.

I.P.O. has been successful in its humanitarian efforts for the release of American political prisoner Lyndon LaRouche. I.P.O. had brought his case before the U.N. Commission on Human Rights. As a consequence, leading international figures and parliamentarians had joined in I.P.O's call for the release of Mr. LaRouche. The Parole Commission has now decided to grant Mr. LaRouche's request.

... Ortrun Cramer, observer for the International Progress Organization (IPO);



  Dr. Hans Koechler (International Progress Organization, Vienna, Austria) (elsewhere described as Professor Hans Koechler, President of the International Progress Organization ) is witness "The Dirty Side of the U.S. Dept. of Justice" - a      Schiller Institute sponsored hearings to investigate      government misconduct by the U.S. DOJ. (souce = )

A message of greeting also came from former Justice Minister of Austria Dr. Hans Klecatsky, who wished LaRouche success in his support for the John Kerry candidacy against the Bush Administration

Der Verfassungsrechtler Prof. Dr. Hans R. Klecatsky lehrt an der Universität Innsbruck und war 1966-70 Justizminister der Republik Österreich.

LaRouche is also connected to the ' Productive Triangle Program" (the 'Paris-Berlin- Vienna' axis) promoted by the International Progress Organization (IPO)




LaRouche Connection 2000

Mar. 13 2000
"International Observers Report on Michigan Democratic Primary"
Ortrun Cramer, authorized observer for the Austrian-based International Progress Organization.


Support for LaRouche from Europe

Prof. Ernst Florian Winter, der frühere Direktor der Diplomatischen Akademie in Wien